Friday, December 2, 2011

Bleh! Someone tell me what's going on?!?

Ok. Basically, I'm just way uber tired from working all week long ^~^. Other than that... I actually had a really good week. :)

Except for one thing...

I'M GETTING MIXED MESSAGES HERE!!! He talks to me, he doesn't, he wants to talk, but doesn't know what to say. I mean, really?! Like it isn't hard enough working with his gf, now I have to deal with him too...
Yet, at the same time, I would rather be a bit annoyed and deal with it all than have him never speak to me. Is that sad? I think it's normal... 'cause my feelings, no matter how buried by distractions and such, are still there. Big time. And I can ignore them, that's for sure. So far, this whole "talking as friends" thing has been working out great. Well... ok, more like "ok", not great. But that's alright. It's better than him never speaking to me at all.

I have a parade tomorrow night called The Parade of Lights and I think I'm gonna decorate my drum with glow-sticks :D It's gonna be legit. It'll be cold, but I don't think I'll care much. As long as The Beast doesn't eat me while I march, I think we'll be all good.d(^-^)b

Gonna go for now. Hopefully, I can post on how the parade went by tomorrow night.

Ninja Specialist :3

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