Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Crash and Burn..

I'd rather go to hell than deal with this shit. That's how I feel right now. You know.... I finally admit to my feelings for everything. I FINALLY do it... and now I'm just stuck!

I THINK I'm starting to like one of my good friends, but it's so on and off, I really can't tell. And... every time I think I'm getting somewhere to where I no longer have feelings for him... it doesn't take much for me to fall all over again. Two days ago, all it took was a dream. I dreamed about him... and I was sad to wake up. :/ And then there's the one I think I'm starting to like... he is so sweet and kind and always hugs me and all.. but we never hang out. He doesn't know me all that well. Like, we don't see one another enough to truly know how the other is. Yet, he's so kind... I just don't want to turn his sweet self into a rebound. That would be so wrong and I would hate myself forever if I did that.

I don't even know what to do...
How can I love someonw who hurt me SO deeply? I don't understand it... why am I still in love with him? An answer... or a solution, would be much appreciated, life.

A Very Wilted,
Ninja Specialist