Sunday, December 25, 2011

Things are just crazy right now.

I keep wanting to work on my story. I do what I can, but that doesn't tend to be much. Then, at the same time, it's like... everyone wants my attention, though the one person I want to want my attention, doesn't seem to want it. If that makes any sense?

Oh well. I'm just grateful for my friends and music. I plan on starting to record my songs :) I need some good distractions and maybe fame will do it ;) just kidding, I probably won't be famous. But that doesn't mean I can't try ^ ^

I still love him. So so so much. But, everything is just normal now. We're friends, we talk almost every day, and things are chill. I will NOT mess this up. Not now... not any time soon. Things need to heal over before anything happens, if even ever. So, yea.

Merry Christmas to you all :)

Ninja Specialist :3